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“I don’t want to be the grandma on the shelf.” –Donna
“Your kids grow up fast, but your grandkids grow up even faster.” –Beth
Has this thought crossed your mind?
Do you feel like your grandkids are moving through life without you?
Do you feel like you don’t know your grandkids personalities as well as you would like?
It doesn’t have to be this way!
Traveling with your grandkids gives you the opportunity to:
- Have fun while making memories that will last.
- Learn more about each other as you experience new things together.
- Share your past experiences and wisdom.
- Learn from each other (let them help you with all your tech issues).
- Be young again and experience life through the eyes of kids.
What do you need to know
This guide will get you thinking about all the important things you need to know when planning and then when taking your grandkids on vacation. The Guide will cover:
- What type of vacation to book
- How to make your vacation less stressful for everyone
- How to include your grandkids in the planning
- What to talk about with their parents
- Setting expectations before the trip
- What documentation is necessary
Subscribe today and the Guide will be on its way!
After you receive your guide you will also be receiving a weekly email about awesome vacation destinations and things to do there. You will love that there is a big focus on what different ages and activity levels will enjoy about the different destinations. It’s perfect for thinking about traveling with your grandkids or even getting the whole family together for a vacation! Happy Reading!